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Nebraska Criminal Justice Review

For those who were familiar with the Nebraska Criminal Justice Review (NCJR) there is good news. It will resume publication this fall (2018).

For those who aren't familiar with the NCJR, it was a free quarterly newsletter sent since 2000 to anyone interested in the NE criminal justice system. It was published by the Holy Family Catholic Church of Omaha and it's founding editor was Mel Beckman until the church and he stopped publishing it at the end of 2017. Mel passed the NCJR on to Creighton University and it's new editor will be Mary Lee Brock.

If you wish to subscribe, contribute or just learn more about the NCJR you can check them out at or You can also email them at or write:
Mary Lee Brock
Negotiation & Conflict Resolution
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178