Today I had an epiphany! Before my sentencing I redid my domain to make it a personal blog but that was a selfish idea. I talk about using it as a spring-board to promote inmate advocacy but if I really want to promote community activism then I should have made a community forum. I should have configured a bulletin board/forum at unlockthemind rather than just a blog. I had configured PHPBBS for a client before and it would work just fine. Tonight I talked to Justin and asked him to research if any community forum for friends, family and former inmates of the NE prison system already exisit and then to research what is the best forum software today. It could be installed in a subdirectory like /forum and WP could be reconfigured to have a static front page with a menu linking to the forum and the blog so I could do both. It would need moderators but I think Mel of the NCJR newsletter might be willing and that would give free publicity through his newsletter. Plus I think Denise might be interested too. This could really make UTM the cornerstone of inmate advocacy and prison reform that I want it to be. Now to see what Justin comes up with. *smile*