Journal 06-06-16 Mon DEC

    Woohoo! I just finished transcribing all my handwritten journals from April and early May. There were just under 100 pages and it took me just about a month and I wasn’t even working all that consistently on transcribing them. Now Justin can print off...

Journal 06-05-16 Sun DEC

  This morning I had a visit from mom, dad, McK and Justin. This was the first time I got to see Justin since my sentencing hearing 2 months ago. He’s looking good and we got to “geek out” over his job which was nice. Even though it was a Sunday...

Journal 06-03-16 Fri DEC

    Time is going relatively quickly. I guess that indicates I’ve established something of a routine. It definitely involves lots of reading. *smile* I shower during morning dayroom and every other day Dennis and I mop and clean the cell. After...

Journal 06-01-16 Wed DEC

    Today was a busy day, well, for being in here. *chuckle* Jackson organized a handball tournament for Memorial Day but since we didn’t have gym on Monday we delayed the tournament till today. They put all the names of players that signed up in a pool and...