01-15-19 Tues TSCI

I have recently recovered from a cold. For about a week I was wiped out from being sick but one benefit of being in here is that if you’re sick you can just rest all day as there are very few scheduled obligations. *chuckle* However, on the down side, it is like...

Forum Announcement

I am excited to announce a new resource for friends, family, and formerly incarcerated people, anyone interested in the Nebraska prisons, jails and courts to find and share information and to organize for change. With the help of some friends we have created a free,...

01-01-2019 TSCI

Happy New Year! I called McK at the last minute I could last night (8:30 PM) to wish him a happy new year and I watched the ball drop on a rainy Times Square but I couldn’t stay up till midnight here. I guess I’m getting old…well, it’s not...

11-26-18 Mon TSCI

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson That’s a good motto to try to live by because gratitude needs practice to become a habit and once it becomes habitual it changes your...

11-07-18 Wed TSCI

Yesterday was the ’18 midterm election. I watched the returns and suffered from vote-envy. It is so frustrating that I didn’t get to vote for Obama either time, then I couldn’t vote against Trump (not that my vote would have changed the outcome here...

10-23-18 TSCI

Status update on my one man battle against collective punishment here at TSCI. *chuckle* I received a response to my Informal Grievance (the text of which is in my 27-09-18 post). The response was verbatim the same boilerplate copy I received as to my first grievance...